Chitkara Business School Signs pact with ALPHABETA Inc for FinTech courses
ALPHABETA shortlisted for the Reimagine Education Conference & Awards 2019

23 Oct 2019
ALPHABETA is the first platform to use true visual collaboration to bring together students, practitioners and consumers in financial markets through unique immersive user experiences with a common vocabulary.
From amongst 1500+ applications across 39 countries, ALPHABETA has been shortlisted in the ICT Tools for Learning and Teaching Award category at the Reimagine Education Conference & Awards 2019, to be held early December, at Imperial College Business School, London.
Reimagine Education is a global conference and competition, open to all those who are transforming education. It rewards innovative approaches that enhance student learning outcomes and employability. It is conducted by QS, in association with The Alfred West Jr Learning Lab at the Wharton Business School.