Chitkara Business School Signs pact with ALPHABETA Inc for FinTech courses
ALPHABETA at the Future of Investment Education Symposium at NITIE, Mumbai

National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE) held a FINTECH symposium on the Future of Investment Education at their Mumbai campus on Wednesday, 9th October 2019. The theme focussed on FinTech and in particular - How technology is changing the investment education and workplace landscape and what students require to adapt to this change and excel.
Varun Mundra, Head, Business Development, ALPHABETA spoke to the students about how technology has brought speed and efficiency into all aspects of our lives. The focus of the discussion was to encourage students to leverage emerging technologies to empower themselves with the 21st century skills required to stay relevant and perform better in the workplace.
Varun also showcased the ALPHABETA platform, and how students can use this patented visual finance lab to develop knowledge, critical thinking and analytical skills. Using ALPHABETA tech students can further demonstrate their virtual investment and portfolio management skills through proof of work, for Day-0 employability readiness, to the prospective companies during recruitment.